Our products for EQUIscan measuring sytem
Find all products for horseback measuring here.
Topograph PRO* with briefing

Measuring tool with a short briefing/instruction on the correct handling of the Topographer on the horse and introduction to the online platform. Training should take place at our place in Obersteinebach/Germany.
The set includes: Transportation case, large aluminum level, small plexi level, measuring tape, one roll of adhesive medical tape, Torx key, spare bit, chalk
5,25 kg
*The business package is included 1 year after purchasing and can be optionally booked as an add-on each year. (Explanation further below)
We will be pleased to make you an individual offer.
Topograph PRO* with traig and certification
*When purchasing a Topograph PRO, the EQUiscan business package (listing on the website as partner including all contact details and use of the online platform) is free of charge for the 1st year. After this 1st year it can be booked optionally for 358,00 EUR (without MwSt) per year.
If you should be not longer interested in using the online platform after the 1st year, you stay listed on our website as a partner, but your access to the online platform will be shut down.
Measuring tool incl. training and certification.
The training consists of 4 parts: Saddle ABC, anatomy & biomechanics, training with the online platform, practical use on the horse and fit assessment of a saddle on the horse and with the topographer. The training blocks take place during set dates in Obersteinebach.
The set includes:
Transportation case, large aluminum level, small plexi level, measuring tape, one roll of adhesive medical tape, Torx key, spare bit, chalk (5,25 kg)
Package price consists of: Topograph PRO, schooling and certification.
*The business package is included 1 year after purchasing and can be optionally booked as an add-on each year.
6.200,00 €
NET price, excl. Shipping costs
Horseback Saddle Stand

The Horseback Saddle Stand complements the Topograph PRO perfectly. It allows an exact replica of the horse’s back in your workshop or store, including the representation of existing asymmetries and observing the position of the back in relation to the room. Verify changes you made or the fit of a new saddle in a professional way. The saddle stand can be fully loaded and used as a try-out stand.
18,3 kg
1.850,00 €
NET price, excl. Shipping costs
EQUIscan Mobile APP

Simplifies the documentation of measurement by offline data input of customer, horse and measurement data and photo documentation. Easy transfer to the online platform after connecting to the internet.
For iOS or Android portable devices.
The iOS version is currently only available in German, the Android version in German and English.
179,00 €
NET price, excl. Shipping costs
Changeable working head for the Horseback Saddle Stand

The changeable work head is simply placed on the height-adjustable pillar of Horseback Saddle Stand. Developed by saddlers for saddlers, practicable, suitable for all types of saddles, height adjustable and rotatable.
8,7 kg
560,00 €
NET price, excl. Shipping costs
Certifications subsequent to the purchase of Topograph PRO
Training & Certification

Simplifies the documentation of a measurement by the offline recording of customer, horse and measurement data as well as the photo documentation. Transmission to the online platform when connected to the Internet. For use on IOS or Android tablets or smartphones.
2.500,00 €
NET price, excl. Shipping costs