Become a Certified EQUIscan Horseback Measurer

Become a Certified EQUIscan Horseback Measurer

Do you already offer your practice- e.g. trainer, therapist or health practitioner- as a service? Then adding on back measurements is a good way to expand your range of offers.

Basic requirements to work as a surveyor

Necessary requirements

– Verified qualification in an equestrian area

– Accesibility via phone and email

– Organizing and adhering of appointments, flexibility when agreeing to appointments incl. timely and professional cancelation if unavoidable


  • The HBM meets with the client at the agreed place and takes the measurement of the horses back with a complete documentation and assesses the saddle fit, should the client desire this. The client is charged for this service on site.
  • Uploading the data including the photo documentation onto the online platform. With the help of the 3D PDF the data is then checked for correctness and sent to the client.
  • Advertisement and explanation of the system with leaflets, posters, also presentations where possible e.g. meetings, stables or events.

Schoolings & Advanced Trainings

To ensure a high quality when working with the EQUIscan system, all HBM’s receive an extensive training.

The training is comprised of the modules anatomy, biomechanics, saddles, instructions for the online platform, practical use of the system on the horse and saddle fit evaluation.

This training, which is also offered at set dates in Obersteinebach, Germany, is the basis to working effectively with the Topograph PRO and the platform. Training is currently free of charge for prospective HBMs, with the condition of agreeing to a 12 month contract.

It is possible to re-visit the training or certain modules as a HBM. EQUIscan offers further training possibilities like workshops or saddle seminars with EQUIscan or their partners.


HBM can use the EQUIscan measurement system for a monthly fee or can purchase the system after having actively used it for one year. If you are interested, we will make you an according offer.


As the HBM is viewed by the client as a neutral and objective voice concerning the saddle fit, impartial to what brand or style the saddle is, employees of saddleries or retailers cannot be certified as HBM, they do however receive the same amount of training and benefits from EQUIscan and are then listed under the title of EQUIscan partners as they have a trade that sells, fits or makes saddles. A HBM is not qualified to sell or alter saddles or saddle trees.

Would you like to work with the Topograph PRO in the future?
Then submit your application here, we will contact you!